Hemp flower: beneficial properties

The hemp flower has multiple beneficial properties, since it has a great analgesic and anti-inflammatory capacity. In addition, it is also considered antiemetic (reduces nausea), anxiolytic, antioxidant, neuroprotective, antipsychotic, antitumor, bactericidal and immunomodulatory.

What is hemp flower?

As its name suggests, the hemp flower is the inflorescence or bud of the cannabis plant. What differentiates hemp from the marijuana flower is its cannabinoid content. The first one is rich in CBD or CBG, so it has multiple benefits and no side effects. On the other hand, the second contains THC which, despite having medicinal properties, is psychoactive and potentially addictive.

Although for many years, hemp has been shunned due to misinformation about its effects, its many virtues are now known. In addition, its THC content is minimal, because it does not exceed the 0.2% required by law.


Hemp Flower

Properties of flowers rich in CBD and CBG

Since they contain this class of beneficial organic compounds, hemp flowers have multiple virtues.

As explained at the beginning of this text, its analgesic and anti-inflammatory capacities stand out. It is precisely for this reason that they are the fashionable ingredient in pain creams, since they reduce pain and fight inflammation. In this sense, it should be noted that they act on different types of pain1,2.

In addition, they have the ability to reduce and modulate anxiety in stressful situations, given their relaxing properties. In turn, these also help fight insomnia and sleep better. Therefore, these flowers can be a great aid to calm the nerves in difficult times3.

It is worth mentioning that the hemp flower may not only be rich in CBD, CDG and other cannabinoids, but it also contains a wide variety of terpenes. These are the organic compounds responsible for aroma and flavor in plants and the main constituents of their essential oils. Some cannabis terpenes have bactericidal properties, which is why certain studies have theorized that they could be of great help in combating bacteria that are resistant to traditional antibiotics, such as penicillin4.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the antiemetic and immunomodulatory effects of hemp flowers and their derivatives such as CBD oil. Thanks to them, they can be a great help in times when we find ourselves somewhat down. Below, we show a more complete list of the multiple benefits of hemp flowers, in case any of them could be useful to you.

List of benefits of hemp flowers

  • They reduce muscle and joint pain.
  • Mitigate menstrual pain, also reducing the swelling of the belly.
  • They help fight some infections and fight inflammation.
  • They reduce nausea.
  • They combat anxiety in stressful situations.
  • They promote sleep conciliation in case of insomnia.
  • They calm the withdrawal syndrome of certain harmful substances, such as tobacco.
  • Its neuroprotective function presents great possibilities against diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, among others.
  • Its antitumor and immunomodulatory properties can help people with cancer.
  • They are also anticonvulsants, so their extracts are used in the treatment of some types of epilepsy.

In summary, the hemp flower and its various derivatives have multiple properties that can be beneficial in a wide variety of situations. Either in times of stress, when they can be useful to reduce it and fall asleep better, or when treating various types of pain, after sports practice or pain caused by poor posture, for example. Finally, they can also be helpful in the treatment of certain diseases.

As you can see, hemp flowers are an excellent help in various situations. Even so, it is worth remembering that CBD is not a medicine and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is recommended to consult a doctor to see each specific case and follow the recommendations of your specialist doctor.

In future articles we will explain the different ways of using hemp flowers and their derivatives to obtain the explained benefits.


  1. Bruni, N.; Della Pepa, C.; Oliaro-Bosso, S.; Pessione, E.; Gastaldi, D.; Dosio, F. Cannabinoid Delivery Systems for Pain and Inflammation Treatment. Molecules 2018, 23, 2478. doi.org/10.3390/molecules23102478
  2. Eskander, J. P., Spall, J., Spall, A., Shah, R. V., & Kaye, A. D. (2020). Cannabidiol (CBD) as a treatment of acute and chronic back pain: A case series and literature review. J Opioid Manag16(3), 215-8. DOI:10.5055/jom.2020.0570
  3. Wright, M., Di Ciano, P., & Brands, B. (2020). Use of cannabidiol for the treatment of anxiety: a short synthesis of pre-clinical and clinical evidence. Cannabis and cannabinoid research5(3), 191-196. doi.org/10.1089/can.2019.0052
  4. Karas, J. A., Wong, L. J., Paulin, O. K., Mazeh, A. C., Hussein, M. H., Li, J., & Velkov, T. (2020). The antimicrobial activity of cannabinoids. Antibiotics9(7), 406. doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics9070406

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