Cannabis cream for pain: how and why to use it

Using cannabis cream for pain is becoming more and more common. The reason is very simple: just apply it to the painful area and wait a few minutes for it to take effect. In other words, it is a simple and effective product that can help us cope with certain types of pain.

What is cannabis cream for pain and what does it contain?

Cannabis pain creams, as their name suggests, are formulated based on cannabis, usually industrial hemp. This plant is rich in CBD, a legal, non-psychoactive cannabinoid with no side effects, which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is usually the main component in this type of cream, although many also incorporate hemp seed oil.

CBD is a compound found in flowers, but cannabis seeds also have many virtues. This is because its oil is an excellent moisturizer that is quickly absorbed without clogging the pores or making the skin oily, in addition to having a great regenerative capacity. Therefore, it is the ideal base to make any type of cream, be it moisturising, for sun protection or for the treatment of pain1.

Cannabis cream for pain with CBD oilWhat kind of pain can be treated with these creams?

Cannabis cream for pain is an alternative based on natural ingredients to treat pain and inflammation of muscles and joints, mainly, topically. CBD applied in this way is fast and effective in reducing this kind of discomfort. Therefore, by incorporating it as the main ingredient, these ointments are very effective in relieving muscle pain and inflamed joints.

Many people with some type of chronic joint inflammation use it to help alleviate the annoying symptoms of their condition, and there are several studies that support this use2,3.

These types of creams are also ideal to apply after intense physical activity on those muscles and joints that we can feel sore. In fact, there are specific CBD balms to apply after sports practice. They are an ideal product for when we resume physical activity after a break, but also to help treat strains or muscle injuries, given their anti-inflammatory capacity.


How to apply cannabis pain creams?

The application of this type of cream is as simple as any other. Simply, we must spread the balm well throughout the affected area, massaging gently with the fingertips until it is completely absorbed. Once applied, we must wait a few minutes for it to take effect, gradually relaxing the muscle tissue and reducing pain.

As you can see, this class of products constitutes a simple and safe method to treat localized pain and inflammation. They can also be combined with CBD oil for greater effectiveness.

In short, cannabis analgesic cream, thanks to its high CBD content, is a fast and effective product for the treatment of muscle and joint pain.

In addition, its ease of use and its affordable price make it an excellent option for this class of conditions. Possibly, these are the reasons why many companies have decided to develop and market these types of products, to the point where we have been able to see them advertised on television. However, it is best to always go to a store specialized in CBD, such as our e-commerce, where you will find this and other products with CBD.


  1. Baral, P., Bagul, V., & Gajbhiye, S. (2020). HEMP SEED OIL FOR SKIN CARE (NON-DRUG CANNABIS SATIVA L.): A REVIEW. DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20208-18346
  2. Lowin, T., Tingting, R., Zurmahr, J., Classen, T., Schneider, M., & Pongratz, G. (2020). Cannabidiol (CBD): A killer for inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts. Cell death & disease11(8), 1-11.
  3. Lowin, T., Schneider, M., & Pongratz, G. (2019). Joints for joints: cannabinoids in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Current opinion in rheumatology31(3), 271-278. doi: 10.1097/BOR.0000000000000590

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