The best CBD oil in Spain

It’s already a fact, CBD oil is on the rise and The Tree CBD has the best. CBD oils have many properties thanks to their composition with all or most of the active components of hemp. And it is no wonder because, thanks to its components, it has caused oils to have entered the big door in the world of CBD. That is why The Tree CBD wants to make it easy for you, thinks of you and allows you to buy CBD online.

In addition, with The Tree CBD all are advantages. Our oils are 100% natural, organic, pure and certified. All the products that we offer on our website are certified in order to know and certify that we have quality products and that they meet the necessary requirements for their sale but, at the same time, to give security and confidence to our customers.

Is CBD legal in Spain?

The answer is yes. CBD is legal in Spain and in Europe, as long as the products are kept below 0.2% THC. And why is there so much ignorance about CBD? Products made with CBD come from hemp, a substance that is illegal in most European countries.

What differentiates CBD from other products that come from hemp is that its THC percentages are always below 0.2%, the legal percentage in Spain. In summary, the controversy linked to the legalization of CBD is due to its production and the plant from which it derives. In any case, in Spain it is legalized because it does not have psychoactive effects, since CBD products do not have THC or are below 0.2%

Buy CBD online, fast and safe 

The Tree CBD is a CBD e-Commerce. If you are still thinking, where can I buy CBD oil? The Tree CBD is the answer. In our online store you can find three different oils and with different percentages of CBD per drop to better adapt to the needs of each one.

You may wonder why the best CBD in Spain is from The Tree CBD? Well the answer is because our oils are grown in an ecological way, free of pesticides and harmful chemicals. In addition, following the most rigorous quality controls and with 100% plant-based ingredients. If you are still not sure whether to buy CBD online, now we will detail the characteristics of each of the oils that we offer in our e-commerce and why each one is special.

Broad Spectrum Oil

CBD Broad Spectrum oil is an oil made from MCT coconut oil with broad spectrum hemp flower extract. The characteristic that makes broad spectrum oil special and different is that it contains most of the active components of hemp, but not all of the components, such as THC. That is, this oil contains 0% thc.

Does that mean it has less properties than the other two oils? No, the broad spectrum oil contains all the properties but with the difference that in the production process they filter it more to remove the THC that the hemp contains. The filtration of the oil can also be seen reflected in the color because it is more transparent and clear. In this way we can also visually differentiate the oils according to the degree of filtering they have undergone.


Full Spectrum Oil

If we were talking about differentiating the oils according to their color, the full spectrum oil, its characteristic color is gold yellow. In addition, through its color we can also know if it is filtered or not. In the case of full spectrum oil, it is filtered because its yellowish color does not show the pure color, much darker and opaque as unrefined oils are.

But the most noticeable difference is that, unlike the broad spectrum, the Full Spectrum does contain all the active components of hemp and, therefore, the THC of the plant, although always below 0.2%.


Raw Oil

The purest oil, unrefined, with all the active components of hemp and, therefore, the one that preserves the THC of the plant, is Raw Oil. As we have advanced, raw oil is the oil that has the darkest color, almost opaque of the three oils. This is because during their creation process they do not filter it.

On the other hand, it should be noted that it contains all the active components of hemp, such as the full spectrum, and it is an oil with THC, although always below 0.2%.


Why is it the best CBD oil in Spain?  

Good question with a very simple answer: because they are 100% natural, organic, pure and certified oils. Our CBD oils have been made without solvents: free of alcohols, gases or other more aggressive solvents for extraction.

In this way, The Tree CBD oils preserve most of the components of the hemp flower and its properties, mainly providing cannabidiol (CBD), and minor parts of CBG, CBF, CBN, CBC and more than 40 terpenes present in a natural in hemp.

We hope that in this way, you no longer have to wonder where can I buy CBD oil? or where to buy CBD online? The answer is in The Tree CBD. You will receive your products between 24 and 48 hours at home and, if you live abroad, it can take up to a week. Our online store can become your quick, easy and effective solution to buy CBD online.

Comments (8)

  1. Martin Cameron

    Hello I’m.looking for a good cbd oil for helping me to sleep deep and for longer than I do currently which isn’t alot

    • xavier feliu

      Hi Martin,

      Thanks for getting in touch with us and for your interest in our oils.

      According to users feedback, they tend to use an oil with a strong concentration when it comes to help them to sleep. In that case the 20% CBD Oil RAW or the 20% CBD Oil Full Spectrum would be the most obvious choices.

      That’s the information we have based on our customer’s feedback. However, if you suffer from a sleep disorder for a long time now, the best you can do is to visit a doctor, maybe one that is specialised in treatments with cannabinoids, like MedCan or Kalapa Clinic.

      If you have any more questions, please let us know.

      The Tree CBD Team.

      • Jill Barry

        Hi there, I want to buy cvs with ths for my mum who suffers with terrible back pain. Can this be bought in pharmacies in Spain?
        Thank you,

      • xavier feliu

        Hi Jill,

        Thanks for getting in touch with us. Indeed, you can buy cbd in pharmacies in Spain. In this post blog you can find all the information about buying cbd in pharmacies and what type of products you can find in there.

        As probably you’ll read in the article, not all the cbd formats are available in pharmacies. If there’s any you can’t find there, you can always buy them online and get them shipped to your house directly.

        I hope you can find there all the information you need and if you have any other question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

        The Tree CBD Team

  2. Nicola Black

    Which of your cod oils can be taken as drops under the tongue?

    • xavier feliu

      Hi Nicola,

      Thanks for your interest in our products and for getting in touch with us.

      In Spain, by law, the only way that we can sell our CBD oils as a topical product. In other countries where the law allows it, the product is sold to be taken under the tongue. YOu can find all the informartion in the following two articles:

      If we can help you with anything else, we will be pleased to help you.

      The Tree CBD Team.

  3. Jackson

    I have a friend who suffers with arthritis and back pain, which CBD oil is best and what would be the dosage?

    • xavier feliu

      Hi Jackson,

      Thanks a lot for reaching out and for your interests in our products.

      IN this article in our guide we explain how cbd works with pain and what kind of products might be suitable based in our customers experience.

      With regards to the dosage, you have a dosage calculator here that you can use for free

      The best recommendation we can give you, is that your friend goes to a doctor especialised in cannabinoids, and he can advise him about what’s best for him.

      If we can help you in anything else, please feel free to contact us any time.

      Best regards
      The Tree CBD team.

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