CBD oil: How to use it? 

The uses of this magical plant seem to have no end. CBD oil, extracted directly from cannabis, is another way to enjoy the benefits that nature offers us. Here we explain how you can use this legal product, totally natural and from organic farming.

The most common method of administering the Oil is orally

It’s quick, easy to dose, and discreet – Swallow it or place it under your tongue – it’s the easiest and most convenient way to use CBD.

Using CBD oil under the tongue is one of the most effective ways to ingest CBD

Simply place the correct number of drops under your tongue with the dropper and hold the oil in place for a minimum of 60 seconds.

This method allows the mucous membranes of the mouth to absorb the CBD instead, completely bypassing the digestive system and metabolism in the liver. Since no enzyme breaks down CBD molecules and does not travel through the stomach, CBD can reach the bloodstream faster.

Easy to dose

  • Going drop by drop is the best way for the consumer to control their CBD dosage
    The best way is to start small and build up gradually to control the body’s reaction.
  • You can use it anytime and anywhere.
  • It is discreet and legal!

CBD oil can be added to your favorite food or drink

  • This oil is an excellent ingredient for any of your recipes.
  • CBD oil can come in capsule, candy, food, or beverage form and can be mixed with a myriad of products, including juices, baked goods, or salad dressings.

Haven’t tried our CBD oil yet? What are you waiting for? We are sure that you will not be disappointed. Health and wellness at your fingertips with The Tree CBD.

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