Sweet Touch: Your pack for Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day is going to be very special thanks to the Sweet Touch pack. The Tree CBD and Naturel Desir have teamed up to bring you a unique experience that you will not be able to resist. Naturel Desir is a revolutionary company whose mission is to enhance the most intimate experiences. As you hear it, they are dedicated to creating products that enhance and enhance the natural and sensual pleasures between people. They are constantly searching for combinations of plants to design products that increase pleasure and well-being, especially in women, focusing their interest on the cannabis sativa plant and one of its most effective components, CBD.

What does the Sweet Touch pack offer you?

For The Tree CBD and Naturel Desir the most important thing is your well-being, which can take many forms, including flower and gel forms. With the new ‘Sweet touch’ pack you can enjoy the best premium CBD flowers on the market, as well as CBD Pleasure Gel that prolongs the sensation of pleasure over time and is designed to benefit natural lubrication, pain reduction and tension, helping to create a state of relaxation, absolutely necessary to fully enjoy the sexual experience.

In Naturel Desir they are great connoisseurs of cannabis and they know that in love it acts as a sensory stimulant and emotional disinhibitor; increases the perception of temperature, taste, touch, visual perception, knowledge of the body, musical and auditory enjoyment and the creation of fantasies and love. A healthy, conscious and full sexual life helps the well-being and mental balance and this pack will be a great tool.

Play with CBD

Furthermore, our collaboration does not end here. On February 14, Herb & Co, the first cannabis consultancy in Spain, organized a new meeting called ‘Canna’be your Valentine?’. In which the main theme will be: ‘How can cannabis improve your sexual life’. This community, whose mission is to inform and educate about the cannabis world, will meet at the Greenardó club. We will have the presence of Naturel Desir and the magazine Dolce Vita.

Our colleague Clara Herbaut will open the meeting with a talk on ‘The surprising sexual benefits of cannabis’, we will continue with a fantastic tasting of The Tree CBD and Naturel Desir products and, Cannabis Massage Therapy will offer a FREE MASSAGE, of 20 minutes, for purchasing your 100% natural cannabis massage oil. Dolce Vita magazine will present your project and offer surprising gifts. We are waiting for you on February 14 at the Greenardó club, at 6:00 p.m., in Calle Anna María Martínez Sagi 39, Barcelona. You sure don’t want to miss it.

Nature is wise and provides us with everything we need to enjoy full health and well-being, The Tree CBD is only responsible for bringing these benefits to you in the form of flowers and oil. Health and wellness at your fingertips with The Tree CBD.

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