What is CBD?

CBD: what is it and why is it so popular?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. It’s a substance derived from the cannabis plant that’s used as a natural remedy because of its many benefits.
In recent years, we’ve seen various CBD products and offerings in tobacco shops and other non-specialised establishments, such as hemp flowers, creams, and CBD oil.
We’ve also witnessed the creation of a very promising new sector, one that’s growing and prospering thanks to the rise in popularity of this cannabinoid. These are CBD shops, such as our online store, or our physical shop in Barcelona, where in addition to buying CBD products, you can receive advice and information on the subject.
But what really are THC and CBD?
Although this guide on CBD and legal cannabinoids has a page that’s specifically dedicated to this question, we’ll try to briefly answer this question.
Both THC and CBD are substances produced by the flowers of the cannabis plant. However, the former is illegal, psychoactive, and potentially addictive, while the latter is a safe and perfectly legal substance.
CBD is produced in large quantities from the buds of the hemp plant, which is perfectly legal and certified in the European Union. THC, however, is the main cannabinoid in marijuana, which, as we all know, is illegal in a large number of countries.
Cannabidiol is a completely natural substance that can help alleviate the symptoms of various conditions and ailments, such as insomnia, anxiety, and muscle or joint pain, among others.
There are a number of products that naturally contain CBD, such as hemp flowers, because of where it’s produced. Likewise, oil, sprays, and creams, among many other things, also contain CBD, although it has been extracted from the plant to add it to the product in question.

What are the benefits of cannabidiol?
Topical use of oils and creams containing CBD
One of the benefits attributed to this cannabinoid is its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These are used in a variety of CBD creams and balms, such as the ones you can find in our shop. They’re used topically, i.e. applied to the skin to combat muscle and joint pain resulting from intense sporting activity.
Also, given the antioxidant power of CBD, it’s a popular ingredient in cosmetic products of all kinds, as it interrupts and hinders the activity of free radicals3, helping to prevent skin ageing.
Sun creams containing CBD also serve to help our skin prevent and recover from damage caused by prolonged sun exposure. Other cosmetic products with CBD, such as lip balm, also help with microaggressions from the environment (cold damage, pollution, exposure to heavy metals, stress, etc.).
In short, CBD has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties when used on the skin. At the same time, it can also help to reduce anxiety and stress resulting from temporary situations when we’re put under a lot of pressure.

How do you take CBD?
CBD is a very versatile cannabinoid that can be consumed in various ways, although some of these aren’t legal in certain countries. Cannabidiol can be mainly administered by ingestion, sublingually, by inhalation, or topically.
This guide to CBD and other legal cannabinoids has a section dedicated exclusively to the use of CBD. We recommend it for anyone who wants to learn more about this topic.
At this point, it’s worth mentioning that, despite its many surprising benefits, CBD isn’t authorised as a dietary supplement in Spain and regulations in Europe vary in this regard.
Unlike in other countries such as the United States, Canada, and Switzerland, in Spain it’s only authorised for sale for external use or vaping. In other words, the only forms of consumption permitted in Spain are application to the skin and inhalation of e-liquids.
It’s also worth remembering that The Tree CBD is a company based in Spain, where taking CBD by any administration method other than those mentioned above aren’t legally permitted.
For this reason, we’re obligated to warn you that its use in Spain must only be topical, i.e. on the skin, or vaped in e-liquid.

Conclusions on what CBD is and why it's so popular
- Prud’homme, M., Cata, R., & Jutras-Aswad, D. (2015). Cannabidiol as an intervention for addictive behaviors: a systematic review of the evidence. Substance abuse: research and treatment, 9, SART-S25081.
- Wright, M., Di Ciano, P., & Brands, B. (2020). Use of cannabidiol for the treatment of anxiety: a short synthesis of pre-clinical and clinical evidence. Cannabis and cannabinoid research, 5(3), 191-196. doi.org/10.1089/can.2019.0052
- Atalay, S., Jarocka-Karpowicz, I., & Skrzydlewska, E. (2020). Antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol. Antioxidants, 9(1), 21. DOI: 10.3390/antiox9010021
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